
CMHRS Services

DMAS sent this message on 6/9/21: DMAS and DBHDS are excited to announce that our newly named "Mental Health ...

Telehealth Ongoing

While COVID-19 was difficult for our providers, clients, families, schools, and pretty much everyone in the world, ...

BCBAs and Credentialing

Here is a link to the original bill and the final law. Also see this memo from DMAS for more information with ...


In 2018 a bill (SB762-Barker) was introduced to formally add Licensed Behavior Analysts to the definition of ...

Behavior Analysis and Distance Supervision in Virginia

There have been a lot of questions lately about distance supervision. According to the Board of Medicine, ...

BCBAs in Schools

This year (2019), we asked our legislative representatives to put in bills in both the House and Senate that would add licensed behavior analysts (LBAs) and licensed assistant behavior analysts (LABAs) to the list of support staff that public schools can hire. While the Senate version of this legislation passed the Senate, the House chose […]

Behavior Analysts as LMHPs

In 2018, Sen. Barker initiated a bill to change the regulations to classify Licensed Behavior Analysts as Licensed Mental Health Practitioners (LMHP). The bill passed into law and the Commonwealth took the necessary steps to make the change.  As of 11/29/18, the changes have been made: https://law.lis.virginia.gov/admincode/title12/agency35/chapter105/section20/ and http://register.dls.virginia.gov/details.aspx?id=7135 are the applicable Web sites. “Licensed […]

LBAs Now Included in Human Rights Regulations

Effective 11/01/2018, LBAs have been added to the list of people who can conduct and assessment that would allow restraint or time out to be in a behavioral treatment plan.  Please note that plans that include restraint or time out must be submitted to an IRC (independent review committee) prior to implementation.  If you need […]

Behavioral Health Redesign

Official DMAS website Memo from DMAS about service shortages Here is the first formal communication from DMAS related to Behavioral Health Enhancement (BHE). VABA has been participating in regular meetings hosted by DBHDS and DMAS on the redesign of behavioral health services in Virginia. Official Web site: https://www.dmas.virginia.gov/#/behavioralredesign This is the presentation from the first […]

Behavior Analysis Regulations

The Behavior Analysis Regulations went through a periodic review recently.  Thank you to those who made comments.  Unfortunately, the Board of Medicine has decided not to make any changes. Here are the notes on the discussion in the advisory board meeting Here is the information on the periodic review

Behavior Analysts as LMHPs – Bill in 2018 Session

VABA has asked Senator Barker (via our lobbyist) to put in a bill that amends the DBHDS regulations to include licensed behavior analysts as licensed mental health professionals (LMHP).  It will be heard in the Senate Health and Education Committee on February 1, 2018.  YOU CAN HELP! Write your Senators and tell them about our […]

Changes that Affect Licensure

DHP is making some changes with regard to the Form B Employment form that will affect behavior analysts and assistant behavior analysts that are applying for their Virginia License.  The information can be found here: http://www.townhall.virginia.gov/l/ViewGDoc.cfm?GDID=6273 Please email admin@virginiaaba.org if you have any questions.